
事业和专业成功 is prepared to support our students and employers online in a number of ways. 在COVID-19形势继续发展的同时 永利app新版本官网地址 will continue to update the community with information here. Details for students and employers can be found below regarding online services and recruiting opportunities. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我们联系 caps@yutb.net.




Career appointments will be hosted virtually using Zoom and scheduled through Handshake.
登录“Handshake to” 安排约会 就像你平时一样.

  • Once you’ve selected your appointment category and type, you’ll see an option to select your 约会中, 默认为“视频通话?.“预约将使用Zoom完成.
  • In the appointment confirmation email (sent to your UNH email), you will receive both a 极速会议的链接和电话号码 (你可以通过电话或电脑加入). 点击链接后, you'll be entered in a virtual waiting room until the counselor lets you into the meeting.
  • 使用Zoom进行故障排除: 缩放帮助指南


我们在这里. 我们准备好了. 通过Handshake在线预约职业咨询


握手网站最近批准的10个帖子. 要查看所有帖子,请登录 Handshake.


事业和专业成功 offers a number of websites and platforms at all times that you can use to have your resume reviewed, 练习面试技巧, 与校友建立联系, 了解世界各地的职业选择, and more!



Cultivate skills that many employers look for in job and internship applicants in this 6-week, 免费在线课程



事业和专业成功 has free resources to help students continue to build skills during the summer




Many employers are shifting all recruiting activities to online and virtual sessions. 这些继续通过“事件”选项卡下的握手找到. 查看视频库

请注意: Many on-campus career events scheduled between now and April 3 will be canceled or postponed. 这些变化将反映在握手中, 通过你的大学CaPS团队的电子邮件, 或者查看我们的社交媒体.

通过关注职业保持与时俱进 & 职业成功


University offices that support students in a variety of ways are still available to help you.


Follow the 野猫通往职业成功之路 by engaging in 社区服务. 


For situation and employer-specific information, CaPS Career Counselors are available via Handshake 以帮助浏览更个性化的问题.

1)如果我是在本学期无学分的实习, 我是否应该继续听从雇主/主管的指示?

是的,许多雇主已经转向虚拟工作. They may or may not expect you to complete your non-credit bearing internship virtually, 根据工作性质. 如果工作性质需要你亲自到场,以及:

  • 你的雇主现在是虚拟的,问问你是否还有其他工作可以做
  • Your employer has not moved to virtual work and you are uncomfortable working on-site, 要求远程工作或终止实习

Whatever the length of your non-credit internship, it is appropriate to list it on your resume.

我很担心我的暑期实习. 我应该做些什么来积极主动呢?

Domestically, we understand that many employers are moving forward with their internships. 根据全国大学和雇主协会的民意调查,  85%的雇主, 他们的实习项目是否按计划进行. 在国际上,许多活动已经或可能被取消. 一些建议:

  • Begin now to look for alternative internships if yours has been canceled – there are over 2,目前在Handshake网站上发布了000个职位,在各大招聘网站上还有更多
  • 联系你在实习网站上的联系人了解最新情况
  • Do not rush to a decision to renege your internship offer - seek counsel from a career counselor first

3) What can I do to gain experience/build skills if I cannot secure an internship?

No doubt, employers value and expect graduates to have learning experiences - to gain skills that prepare them to add value in their first job and beyond. There are lots of references to the skills that employers value most – typically topping the lists:

  • 解决问题/批判性思维
  • Teamwork
  • 通信/人际交往能力
  • 策划与组织

The good news is no matter what you are studying, you have developed these skills. 另一个好消息是, 这些技能可以通过很多方式培养——志愿服务, 社区服务, projects, 兼职工作, etc.  The next step, demonstrate you have the skills through your cover letter, resume, and interviews.

我本来打算参加一个即将到来的活动,但被取消了. 我怎样才能获得更多永利app新版本官网地址这些雇主和机会的信息?

按照Handshake的说明来做 查看即将参加招聘会的雇主 查找有关雇主及其空缺职位的更多信息. To receive notifications of new jobs or events make sure you follow employers by selecting the star on their page.

1)我被安排参加一个雇主的面试,现在这个面试将是虚拟的, 我应该做些什么准备?

  • Make sure an updated resume is on Handshake for employers to pull for the interview - this way, 他们有最新的版本
  • 如本文所述,准备工作是关键 blog post
  • 练习,练习,再练习——InterviewStream是一个很好的工具


  • 用同样的方法申请校园面试.
  • 一旦你被允许选择面试时间, click the Zoom meeting link next to your time slot to register with Zoom for the interview.
  • After you register, you will receive an email from Zoom with the password for your interview.
  • 加入面试时,在提示时输入密码. 你会被自动安排到一个虚拟的候诊室. 一旦雇主为你做好了准备,他们就会安排你参加面试.
  • 请永利app新版本官网地址 caps@yutb.net 询问任何问题,或者如果你没有收到面试密码.


找到你想要的工作的最好方法之一就是通过网络. 从现在到将来,把人际关系看作是你最重要的生存技能. Countless surveys and research efforts conclude that the vast majority of successful job searches happen via networking.

如果你还没有加入 不可靠的连接,现在就加入,并把定期与人联系作为你的目标. Think about creating your personal Advisory Board – you can’t go wrong; our alumni are eager to support you.

我接受的这份工作可能会被取消,我很紧张. 我应该联系我的招聘人员/招聘经理吗?

Yes, stay in touch with your employer contacts and follow your employer on LinkedIn to stay current.

虚拟实习、资源、 & 最佳实践


  • 在职位名称、雇主或关键词搜索栏中键入“远程” 


  • Put “remote” in keyword search and can also check a box to “Include remote positions” 


  • Under the search filters, click on the “Remote / On-Site” section and check off the “Remote” box 


  • 在“Where”搜索栏中输入“remote” 


  • All remote positions – can search by industry and see the remote jobs in that field  


  • 提供远程职位和资源的工作板  


  • Job postings from employers looking to hire students or grads who want to work from home 


  • 提供志愿者项目 


  • 虚拟“国外”实习机会  

Third-party facilitators of online internships between employer and students: (there are associated fees with these programs) 

鉴于COVID-19大流行,如何处理实习工作?:为大学、学生和雇主提供的在线实习简短指南 -在NACE上发现的 

  • Topics in this document include: suggestions for current and upcoming internship positions, 什么是在线实习, 突出优点和缺点, 政策建议, 网上实习的程序和最佳实践 

被取消的实习经历应该添加到简历中吗 -在NACE上发现的 

  • Advice on whether to add a cancelled internship to your resume from the National Association of Colleges and Employers

前100名远程公司招聘 -我们远程工作 

  • 列出公司和他们的空缺职位  

用于远程工作的工具 ——站立会议 

  • 提供超过300个“工具”来帮助您进行远程工作 

永利app新版本官网地址远程工作你真正需要知道的 ——Skillcrush  

  • 远程工作小贴士  

2020年100家顶级远程工作公司 ——Flexjobs  

  • 提供提供远程工作的公司列表  

学生指南:在COVID-19时代毕业 – LinkedIn作者:Avi Criden 

  • 帮助学生进入职场的指南, highlighting short and long-term action steps and the challenges that will likely be faced